About Bankroll Zero

I started this blog on the 1st of October 2011.

I have been playing poker for close to ten years now and would say I am a "break even" player because I'll have a good run and then will end up losing it all in one monumental fuck up. I've gone broke, or quit more times than I can remember, the thing is I always end up coming back and playing again. Maybe I feel that there is unfinished business there because I never really "made it" and constantly hear about the young guns that do.

So I've decided to do it a bit differently this time and have set myself a challenge. Rather than starting out with a bankroll I'm going to start with nothing, and see how far I get. I've never played at the micro stakes but I feel like I need to do something to improve my game so I'm going back to the start and starting with nothing.

I know many people have tried this before with Chris Fergison probably being the most famous after succeeding in turning a bankroll of zero into $10,000 in 15 months. I'm going to see if I can do better or get luckier.

I'm not setting myself a goal because chances are I'll quit or go broke long before I get there. Although I will try to use good bankroll management (i.e not play with more than 5% of my bankroll) I won't be setting myself strict rules as I find it hard to stick to them and sometimes you have to take a chance in poker. I'm going to be playing the entire challenge on pokerstars as it is the biggest site currently online.

Here goes nothing. Literally.

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