Saturday, 22 October 2011

Running horrible.

Well in some ways I'm glad I have gone right down to playing these stupid penny games because if I was playing the stakes I usually do I dread to think how much I would have lost the last few days. I have played several sessions and it's been so sick. I busted out of several tournaments on the bubble. One with AA against KK and 99. All in three way preflop. Only Kings have me covered and he rivers a king. I had two bottom set over top set in the cash games. Another tournament I bust out calling a morron shoving all in on the flop for something like 10k into a 3k pot with QQ I call with KJ on K104 board, straight away the turn is a queen. By this point I'm expecting that sort of shit to happen. Then this runner runner happened the other day which frankly is about as bad of a bad beat as you can get.

Bankroll = $3.49

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